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We are all born an atheist until we are indoctrinated.

Sarahroo29 8 Jan 30

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. We are born without any religious concept at all. When we are taught theism, it is then we can be convinced or not. If we do not believe in theism then, only then can we be atheist.


I would like to think that we are born Athiests
until our parents ruin us. Then we become adults and know better.


It seems to be that simple, but I wonder.

Does the lack of knowledge of a god = atheism? Or does a child first need to understand the concept of a god before they can make an informed conscious decision that they do or do not believe?

Hmmm... Good question. That is the first comment today that makes me think. Thank you for talking to me like a human. I made a post just now of having a bad day because Xtian co-workers were taking their bad day out on me. This comment cheered me up. Thanks.


It seems logical. But then many children have their invisible friend.


I'm not sure that's true. Evidence suggests otherwise.

skado Level 9 Jan 30, 2018

What evidence?

@Sarahroo29 The thing that we adults call god is something we are evolved to believe in as infants. The case for this is laid out, with lots of scientific studies cited, in John Wathey's book, "The Illusion of God's Presence".

Not right out of the womb though. They teach you later on.

@Sarahroo29 No, right out of the womb. Long before birth. No teaching involved. Part of your physiology.

@skado Yes.

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