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QUESTION Christopher Hitchens Portrait: Timelapse - YouTube

Hi everyone, I wasn't sure where to categorize this post. I'm an artist from Madison, WI and I just joined this site. I wanted to share a video timelapse I created of my illustration process. I did this last year, and appropriately enough for this website, it's a portrait of one of my heroes, Christopher Hitchens. I've done a few timelapse portraits that captured more of the process, one of Stan Lee and one of Bernie Sanders.

My style is kind of psychedelic linework and maze-like shading, while still attempting to maintain the likeness of the person (should I be doing a portrait, my main work is more fantasy/surreal imagery). I like to use the traditional method of a crowquill pen that I dip in ink.

Here's a link to the timelapse, hope you enjoy!

Langsamlourd 4 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for your post, Christopher Hitchens is one of my Heros as well. He is sorely missed




Well done!


Awesome work! And welcome to the community.

Nena Level 6 Jan 31, 2018

Nicely done! My cat is named Hitch after him. I would have loved to hear his commentary on Trump's presidency.

Thanks! No doubt that his commentary would have been incendiary genius, as it always was.

Right?!? Or even a post commentary to today's SOTU.

Just my 2 cents worth ....He would have criticized Trump’s new found alliance with the batshit crazy evangelicals but supported Trump’s hard
Line on ridding this planet of the Islamic cancer that infects the global society.


Wow, that is excellent man. Thanks for posting and welcome to the site.

Thanks much!

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