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Did science help you realize there is no god?

wolfrayette 2 Jan 30

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It taught me principles evaluative thinking, which includes the idea of "well, how do you define what constitutes a God?". My current conclusion, subject to future or reevaluated evidence otherwise, is if there were/is a creator being, it's of no consequence, so it's irrelevant. It isn't a 'yes or no' question. Strictly speaking then, science didn't teach me there is no God. But I concluded inasmuch.


Yes, teaches logical thought.


Yes! The art of questioning is what led me to realize that religion is mythology.

0 high school biology..


Yes, Fred Hoyle's The Nature of the Universe, which I read in the 1950s, was a strong influence.


Yes. Sort of. Although once into my late teens I developed good critical thinking owing to reading certain books. I also had a rebellious attitude in that I didn't like to be told how to , well I suppose , think.

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