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Has Anyone Here Had Lasik Eye Surgery?

Lately I am Getting annoyed with the need to wear Glasses.
I can only tollerate my contacts for about 4-5 hours and I have tried every brand.

If you have had the Lasik Eyes surgery please tell me your experience and WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT?

twshield 8 Feb 1

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Yes , I've had eye surgery . It has improved my vision , but I still need to wear glasses . My problems are related to diabetes , and allows me to continue reading reading , watching movies , and driving . And the lenses on my glasses are much thinner , and thereby lighter weight .


A friend's wife had it about twenty years ago. She had worn spectacles since childhood. She had the second eye done six months later and was totally enthralled.


Had both my eyes done back in '97. I had astigmatism.

I was playing footy the day after the procedure. No more contacts to irritate my eyes. The only limitation the optometrist gave was to make sure I don't open my eyes under water for 6 months: e.g. goggles while swimming, eyes closed in the shower.



I did...about nine years ago. The results were amazing. I could see the time on the digital clock from bed and I could read street signs in the car!


[ I hit the wrong button ] I will continue.. The cataract surgery was a disaster, the focal length requested by me was for infinity focus, it turned out to be a disastrous focal length of 1 metre ! I tried numerous glasses and found none suitable. I finally opted to have laser surgery, the results were spectacular, everything [ xcept close up ] was pin sharp and has stayed perfect up to this day of several years. I ma very happy with my results.

In New Zealand [ the land of the greedy specialists ] the cataract surgery was $ 10.000 for both eyes, and a total failure, the cost of the laser surgery was a reasonable $ 3.000 per eye. The laser machine costs the surgeon, over $ 1.000.000 superb result !!


Hi twshield, yes I have had Laser eye surgery. It was spectacularly successful. First I underwent surgery for cateracts


Not Lasik - yet, I have pterygia , well now pterygium, had one removed last year, I am not sure if I can still have lasik. Sadly my operation was with scalpels, laser would be awesome. On teh up side, friends have had it, they seem to get 10 years before they need glasses again, another reason to wait maybe?

apparently not, and I am pretty certain you can't have it done again, though things may change. Also, we are often though not always a bit behind down under.


I haven't had it but my ex-girlfriend did. She had to have it done twice because her vision was still out of focus. She also had dry-eye for some time after and had to use drops to help with that.

This was several years ago though so I'm sure they've made some advances since then.


Yes...I did. Great decision

@twshield Dry eyes....but drops solves the problem


In my defense, I was a 6-year-old rebellious child when I looked at the Sun's eclipse. The president, however, was a 70-year-old etc., etc. I now have cataracts developing.

There is something absolutely terrifying about someone bending over my eyes with a scalpel. I know, it's irrational, but I used to believe in Santa Clause and God, too. If they were to bring on the drugs and put me out, I'd probably do it. "Twilight sleep" isn't good enough. Until then, I use dial-a-glasses!

My 92 year old acquaintance has just had the cataract in his second eye fixed and is now back to 20/20 vision following the removal of same from the other eye two years ago. He was horrified however the procedure has been inflated with further consultations, questionaires and in his opinion unneccessary unproductive behaviour justifying gouging of his purse.


Lasik surgery correct your deficiency in your eyesight but does not do anything when your eyes loses elasticity in the focus muscles. That is why sooner or later we all need reading glasses. Those are two different issues. Separated from each other. They can correct your eyesight to perfect but you will get old and that is something else.

Exactly....can't be avoided.

What you desvribe is known as "presbicia"

I think it was Bandler of NLP notoriety who propounded that people who become short sighted do so because they no longer wish to see beyond the end of their nose. I was always getting into trouble at school for resting my head on my arm on the desktop and reading the book 3 inches from my eyes. I still prefer to read holding the page 5 inches from my eyes without spectacles which i have worn since 8 years of age to correct short sightedness.


My wife had it done before we hooked up... all she needs is 2.5 power reading glasses... I guess that's good. She pays a dollar for them at the dollar store... they look nice.

@twshield. Well she does... it's been about 12 years but no more of those

@twshield Not necessarily; each case is also depends on your original prescription. They performed cataracts surgery on me (first) although I didn't have cataracts but my prescription was too high and no laser was powerful enough for my case. They gave me the maximum allowed (crystalline) and laser on top.

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