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How to stop Donald Trump from making the US less secular?

Recently, the Trump administration has been allowing religious organizations to get involved in politics and get federal money. Can this be stopped? How?

Monkey 7 Sep 21

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Probably not stopped. The more you learn about this turd before he became a candidate and now his hateful speech should empower and show the real "un-christian" and inhumane person he is. It has to be up to the religious organizations to decide. I think it will be difficult. Another reason I find religious organizations to be unstable is their inconsistent support of peoples such as Trump. Money seems to be their weakness.


How do you know that Friends of Trump aren't behind this website, doing a study on subversives?
From what I can tell, the Admin(s) is pretty anonymous, and the site is funded privately. 😀

btw could we please have some emoticons?

Well, i just don't think they are smart enough to do that..
They seem to be self imploding, at least we can hope so..

@Buddha, well, they were 'smart' enough to win the election...


Yes it can be stopped, but don't know whether it will. No religion or church should get tax breaks.


That's kind of hard to say because religion is a business as well. They keep the minds of the masses in a fog making them more manageable so the church can get more money the public. Seems like the church and government are steady allies since they're both after the same thing, money


Ban religion.

Darn! Why didn't I think of that?


Fight as we have been fighting on a local and state level. Support organizations like the ACLU and FFRF. Vote for representative and policies that will uphold secular values.

Then vote for me, if you can. As an Atheist, I make no promises to anyone that god will take care of you. I believe that government should treat everyone equal. The same access to their leaders should be for anyone, theist and atheist alike. And deny any and all tax relief to any group that believes otherwise. If I have a group meet at my home, shouldn't I have the same ability to receive some tax incentive as churches (or temple, mosque, etc.). Funny, but whenever there is some sort of disaster and/or emergency, the churches are the last one to step up..unless they get a large tax deduction first.


There is no stopping it. The disease of religion rotts the mind and I so far spread our society has become terminal

Blue Level 2 Sep 25, 2017

Less secular? Holy crap folks, didn't anyone notice the USA has become a virtual theocracy in recent decades? You're secular in theory but in not so much so in practice.

Draco Level 6 Sep 25, 2017

Perhaps the Freedom From Religion Foundation has some suggestions.


Vote him out of office in 2020.

3 more years . . . need more agnostics in Congress

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