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Has anyone noticed "Magic" peddlers are online now?

I have seen a lot of peolpe peddling "love spells", "fertility spells" and other nonsense online now.

Are there more of these now, or did I just miss it before?

arnies 7 Feb 2

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don't know but i have noticed ads for distant reiki healings too


The only magic they offer is making your money disappear. I may have been misspelled a few times myself, but not very magically, ever.


They see what Trump is getting away with and thought, what the heck


More shit trying to give the nieve hope for money


Oh No ! Are you telling me that Love Potion I bought might not work? Damn !


Haha! I've never seen these. Are they starting to infiltrate social media?


I don't know, but there are a lot of people falling for homeopathic "medicines" and essential oils etc. my wife's family are the worst. They'll fall for anything. If I ever try to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, I'm going straight to my in-laws with a sales pitch.

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