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Any additions to this list of 10 needed reforms?

Steve32867 5 Feb 4

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A few points I believe are important to consider are as follows:

#2. You omitted preventing serious injury. When someone attacks another person there is no way of knowing if the 2” X 4” being used will cause death. Serious injury of another sometimes require deadly force. ALL scenarios must be considered.

#3. This is impractical because most cops do not choose to live in the neighborhoods that need the most police presence. But Community Policing does have many positive effects on crime rates and other social ills.

#5. I think cop cam videos should be available for review whenever a complaint is made but releasing ALL cop cam videos and dash cam videos is unnecessary and excessive because they can’t all possibly be reviewed. And, just like criminals, probable cause is required to justify what would be an invasion of privacy.

My most important addition would be MANDATORY, ongoing psychological counseling should be provided for every police officer. PTSD is an epidemic among police officers. The prevalence of excessive force, unjustified shootings and overreaction during many encounters with the public is getting worse and more common. Just as combat can cause serious damage and mental illness in soldiers, cops experience the trauma of life and death decisions, horrific violence, abused children living in deplorable conditions and the worst elements of human nature on a daily basis and go right back on the street every day without any mental or emotional support. This is a huge part of the problem.

I appreciate your thoughtful reply.
But I'm not certain what you meant in #2. Since the original is so short, could you please re-phrase it to say what you're meaning?
"Never use a gun unless absolutely necessary to save a life." I doubt I'd agree to put "...or to prevent serious injury" should be added, because the officer has other weapons at his disposal.

#3: Understood. But to hire officers from those neighborhoods would improve the police departments. Much of the reason for "high crime" areas is simply because bad and lazy cops will write tickets to teenagers riding bicycles without a proper light on at night, because their real intent is to check them for drugs. Tickets, for whatever reason, adds to the statistics that make it seem a higher crime area, when it's really no different from other areas.

#5: Releasing videos to the public means these videos are available to the public who the police are supposed to protect and serve, and who pays their salaries. People typically won't care to watch them after an hour or two, until one shows up that's special. Cops can't review all the video either. This allows thousands of eyes to view them, for free, and point out ones that need further scrutiny. When a cop is on a scene, that means it's already public, the public is already involved, and requires with public accountability. Yes, I still say that ALL should be released.

Your "most important addition" is a combination of #1 & #8 that I agree should be incorporated - spelled out clearly, probably in #1. (#8 is more about hiring in the future).
So #1 maybe should include "Mandatory, ongoing psychological counseling." And it's easy top add that to the end of #1. Good idea. Thank you.

Sorry for the delay in replying to you. What I failed to adequately explain in my response to your item #2 is a circumstance where a pertetrator is in the process of attacking someone or even menacing them. It isn't always possible to determine if the victim's life is in danger or if they are only being seriously injured. Imagine you are on the ground being beaten with a tire iron and the police pull up on the scene. They will draw their weapons and order the perpetrator to drop their weapon. They won't know your condition or if they might be attacked. If I am that victim, and the perptrator starts to strike me again,I pray that the officers shoot him before he can strike.

Regarding the hiring issue, I do not disagree with the idea of hiring more officers from the communities where their familiarity with the area and presence would be most beneficial. However, there are many impediments such as hiring quotas and union rules that prevent such common sense requirements. In my hometown, Chicago, police officers MUST reside within the city limits and there are several neighborhoods, just inside the city, within which a great number of cops live. They are not where most of the violence occurs. I fear that many who do live in the areas most affected by violence do not qualify due to social and economic conditions.

My concern about releasing every bit of cop cam video to the public is the potential for abuse and targeting cops. Social media is easily manipulated and video is not difficult to alter and change. Cops could be targeted, maligned and falsely accused by the millions of people with personal agendas who can use Social Media to ruin the lives of innocent people. By the time a post or "story" is proven to be false, it can be everywhere on the Web at which point retractions and evidence of innocense is irrelevant and the damage done. While the availability of such video is crucial and, as you point out, public in nature, I fear the wholesale release of the videos.

I hope this helps.


Looks good Steve!

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