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Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.

HermitVoyager 6 Feb 5

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The natural state of the human condition is to belong to the mob (herd, collective, tribe). ergo our thoughts and behaviour are moulded to make us acceptable to the mob. History shows us that the pioneers of new ideas are more often than not persecuted. This group mentality has given us religion, autocracies, fascism, socialism . Capitalism (flawed as it is) has seen the greatest advancements and has been responsible for elevating billions out of poverty. yet Is reviled amongst the so called intelligentsia in favour of group identity politics as seen in socialist countries.


Correct but it was said before my fellow countryman Christopher Hitchens.

Jean-Paul Satre said in Existentialism and Humanism that Morals cannot be learned from society nor religion. Instead they must be experienced and learned first hand via trial and error.


Dignity is defined as the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect, which suggest to me that its concept derived out of politics.

cava Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

Many people don't trust themselves enough to take responsibility for their thoughts and their deeds. They need an authoritarian figure such as a diety to back up their moral code. Man is more a savage than a saint.

I am an existentialist philosopher and writing my first book on the subject.

We as humanity create our OWN morals and we have no inherent moral value. Instead we create our values through existence and therefore Existence always proceeds essence.

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