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I'm not certain this is the right category, but here's the random thought that occurred to me this morning in the shower: if you were to die today, but you could choose the method, what would you choose?

I recently read an article that claims that we are aware of what is happening when we die, which makes sense to me because there is still oxygenated blood in your brain when your heart stops. That being said, I'd prefer an instant and complete ending, like what I imagine being at the center of a nuclear explosion would be like, but I wouldn't want to be the cause of so many more deaths by choosing such an option. So I suppose I'd choose to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

How about you?

It's not my intention to be morbid here. This is just a random thought.

Nottheonlyone 7 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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Fall into a wood chipper.


OMG jump out of an airplane? I don't think I would do that. Way too much time to think about the impact. Probably guillotine for me. A very sharp guillotine, well maintained and in good working order.


Nope - I wouldn't jump from an airplane without a parachute! Drug overdose maybe. But my favorite has always been as you explained = a nuclear bomb explodes 10 feet away from me.


Being caught in the shower with you when your trigger happy husband walks in sounds good. At least the kids will have a funny story to tell at my wake.

Oh, I'm so sorry dear but if you don't mind me asking how did your dad die.

Oh I don't mind at all. I'm been waiting fir someone to ask me that. 😉

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