5 4

I just want to say that some of you are jerks. I mean major jerks. I would have to say also everyone that's been a total tool has been a male. I'm not sure if that's just because males are more aggressive or what but I'll make a post and you just have something negative to say or you don't follow instructions or you're not getting the point of it and you bitch and piss and moan and complain. If you don't like what I have to say then don't comment on it, don't follow me but don't be a dick. Yes you have a right to your opinion but being a jerk about it isn't an opinion it's just being a jerk. End rant.

SonderOpia 8 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Good point my intellectual friend. Those circle jerk mentality males pissing you off . Do not have to read your posts or follow you , and to then comment in a way that clearly upsets you seems very unmanly to me. Atheists are to refined to be trolls so I’m sure it’s just a few bell ends that like Tarzan said earlier ,, like the lady making the comments but frustration causes a childish lash out.
I’m giving my pussy hat a airing due to some anecdotal evidence kindly supplied stating a Major news organisation paying women less. Which we all know is illegal . I hope the ripped off women get settlements raises and men in the position of agreeing to this travesty be fired.


Well said . I bet.... jerk behaviour seems so unessasary . Too many haters , obnoxious pricks. Women don’t get a pass though , the ones that engage in passive aggressive cry victim tactics are pretty obvious. # stop the haters. We are all hear to enjoy this opportunity to indulge in Your 1 st amendment. Let’s not let unnecessary, intentionally mean attacks. Ruin the site for the majority. We Atheists need to remind ourselves what we are up against, thousands of years of blind indoctrination and brain washing. .. let’s face it if this was 1625 we would all be superstitious twats.


I block jerks who incriminate themselves like the one who said women's rights are assured and remedies currently in place are wrong. ...get a clue boys REAL MEN FIGHT FOR WOMEN's RIGHTs

And the idiot Libertarian/Objectivist who attacked a woman talking about Social Security law since 1934.....Harry Browne Libertarian presidential candidate was not a dumbshit fascist pig like Ruuuussssshahh Dingy Crazy LImpBOSS radio cult liar. ...Browne proposed an annuity be purchased for everyone paying into social security FICA with their employers. ....and did not tell the lie people want the government to keep them. ....minimum wage laws need to be increased so people can afford to live AND INVEST IN REQUIRED SAFE PENSION FUNDS not raided by criminals like Heidi Cruz Billary Goldman Sachs war profiteering polluter oil war murderers. ....

I agree that we men have to stand up against obvious injustices, and unfair outcomes for women. Please though kind sir...Do not fall into the all woman are helpless victims of the evil patriarchy, unfairly paid less.. ( debunked by every serious economist) nuisances people. Nothing is black and white. .. please take a minute to admire feminism’s latest victory ( extremely subjective) the Motor racing glamour girls , darts ladies making beer potted double chinned dart players look good. End of many woman’s employment, enjoyment and really ,,, who did it hurt. Women that’s who sexist objectification of the fairer sex is not tolerated any more. 2018 feminist 1 attractive models nil.

@AxeElf your words mean repealing women's voting rights


I am familiar with the agenda that you had posted , & I had said why I replied more so than what you suggested . It was not my intent to offend by doing so . It has been sometime since I had seen the repeated post on FB . If it wasn't the group that I had guessed it was , & yes it not only exists , but I am very much a fan & member of , despite it's odd name , then I was in hopes of being reminded of as to what group did post that agenda from time to time . . . ?

Dougy Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

It's funny to me that you wrote this because you know you're one of the jerks I'm talking about.

@ isn’t jerk a bit harsh. Douglas seems a very level headed guy. Offence taking these days is a fine art. Did he personally attack you . Offend you or dox. Miss pronoun or use crass words. Please free speech people. I love your input SonderOpias . Smart funny , insightful. I refuse to cast you in a victim cause your female light. It disingenuous doing it to yourself. Words fellow atheists, opinions are subjective. If we all agree on everything. The world would be one big safe space. # not all men.

@SeriousreasonIn the words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along"?

@SonderOpia Even slang terms have a specific definition . "Jerk " is someone who pretends to be something that they are not , as a result , they "Jerk " your feelings & emotions . I know the term well , it's my mom's favorite go-to word for undesirable man . I could be considered substandard , but I was not leading you on .


Excellent boundary setting. ...everyone stay on point ...make nice....think with brain not is a safe place to blow off steam if we all stick together in solidarity resisting patriarchal theocracy

I still hold hope for you kind man . Do not allow the women are less equal to men narrative spoil lively debate and ideas. This evil patriarchy floating in the ether needs to be identified and made factual . At the moment all it is or seems to acquaint to is theory , Political correctness and over all hatred for Trump. Has conjured up imaginary Nazis , white supremacy, fear of racial genocide. Now honestly folks that’s tin foil hat shit that is. Real Alex Jones territory. Factual evidence and truth are no longer required to produce a new demon to oppress anyone who imagines they are a victim . Truly a worrisome and destructive mindset . Your are born naked and crying . No one owes you anything

@Seriousreason the patriarchy = Trump voters catholics eagerly paying bribes to children raped by priests baptists cheating workers out of living wages so called Atheists worshipping IN gott WE TRUST coins by the boatload. ...I thought blocking such scum I would not have to read more drivel from sexist pig boys in adult clothes ?

@Seriousreason you really make a lot of assumptions. You also seem to have a lot to say on the subject even though you don't know what happened. As far as Douglas goes yes he has said things that were a personal attack on me. Debates are one thing personal attacks and rudeness is a completely different thing. On another note I mentioned it was mostly men not because all men are jerks but because it was all men that was doing it on this site. I don't feel like a victim what I feel like is not posting things because people get aggressive towards me and rude to me. I want to be able to post things and have an intelligent discussion or something funny or where we all enjoy what's happening not where we all feel like we're being verbally abused. Plus it's true, if you don't like what I have to say then you don't have to comment on it, you don't have to come to my posts and be a dick to me.

@SonderOpia maybe some jerks think they are being funny like the sitcom MARRIED WITH CHILDREN way below the belt sniping for years on Fox TV

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