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Is this the real reason he donated his salary? :D

Trump Construction Company. Jesus fucking christ


EllenDale 7 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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The article says nothing was lost materially of financially . It's a big nothing to sell ink , & take attention away from the investigation . Not accounting for that sum is something to take notice of , but the military does it all the time .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 6, 2018

Defense is big bucks for the people promoting war or threat of war. All that talk about the button and making America the greatest military in the world when we are already, many times over.

gearl Level 8 Feb 6, 2018

@gearl it's scary when leaders of countries also buy stocks in munition and gun manufacturers. Declaring a war (drugs, terrorism, other intangibles) make the leaders money while hiding their participation in deadly choices.

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