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A Party Defined by Its Lies

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I like the line, "At this point, good people can’t be good Republicans." However, it should be shortened to, "At this point, good people can’t be good Republicans.


Let's hope there is a true Blue Wave today. When I think of continued rule by trumpus assholis maximus, McConnell, Graham, Cruz, and all the rest of those dirty, vile, lying, soulless schemers, it almost makes me wish Kim could send a missile to D.C.


And fears


I started following Krugman when he wrote his first columns for the Times. He writes with clarity. Thanks for sharing this!


Party of we don't do that


Tomorrow could start the fall of Rome. Or prevent it. Fingers crossed.

godef Level 7 Nov 5, 2018

ameriKKKa been on decline for a while.


Many more to come.

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