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LINK Compelling Thoughts: Hypnagogic Hallucinations/The Argument from Personal Experience - YouTube

Just thought that those in this group would find this interesting!

DavidLaDeau 8 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I have narcolepsy. I get these all the damn time.

Does it affect how you view those who have "religious experiences?"

@DavidLaDeau it does, actually. 'Religeous experiences' are just hallucinations, whether hypnogogic, drug induced, or a temporal lobe seizure.

@memorylikeasieve it is awesome to have met someone who understands personally what I experience. It does kinda suck but it's not as bad as it appears to people that don't experience it. It just crap to deal with and forget during the day!

@memorylikeasieve I would appreciate it if you would make a comment in my video comments. There are not many like us. It would be helpful to others to see that it is a normal condition that can be delt with. I also interesting to me that you automatically wright off Hallucinations by religious people like I do.


At least there's a name for it.

Yeah my wife has a name for me too....Jackass...

@DavidLaDeau Aw, ain't that sweet......hahaha....

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