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Did you know that Facebook Now Has a Patent To Literally Use Your Camera and Watch Your Emotional Reactions?

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I have little band-aids over all the cameras and mics of my computers. And i recommend such to all my clients. And: windows requires disabling all the Personalization settings to increase safety.

ANDDDDD::::: Never use a MS account to log into your computer. ALWAYS use a local account and disable the store auot updating....

@Bierbasstard . . .By using a MS account (same with apple) the computer is connected to the MS network, and therefore, as the EULA explains, the computer belongs to MS and MS is given the right to do whatever they want with the computer. Including uploading documents, deleting documents and programs,...

To use a local account:
windows link (bottom left)
On right side: "Sign in with a local account instead"

Although I have not had problems with changing client computers, I suggest a full backup before changing.

These are wise words. I'm amazed at how it never occurs to many, perhaps even most, people to ask why Microsoft want us all to sign in with an MS account.


There are numerous viruses out there which can switch on your camera, as well as people who enjoy watching others without the person being observed knowing it. Fortunately, a little piece of electrical tape solves the issue.

Jnei Level 8 Nov 16, 2018

A few years ago it was "discovered" that computers provided to college kids, had cameras and mics remotely enabled without indication.


I go back there every once and a while to see if I can find a delete button. No luck so far. There isn't even a delete app button on my phone. Drives me nuts.

Thank you. Trying it again. I did disable it but there it still sits. Greer.

I did that but it's still in the apps section asking to be enabled. I can live with it but I just hate them.


What if you don't have or have taped over your a camera.

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