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Creating/joining groups. If you click the "meet" button you should now have the option of joining groups.

Crimson67 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Ok excellent, that will make it easier for people to find my new group 🙂 Kinky Lifestyle 🙂 [] for those of us that enjoy different flavours other than vanilla, which is also a very nice flavour!


How does one create groups on their profile page?

@witchymom It doesn't give me that option.

@witchymom It's weird, I found the group icon at the top of the page outside of the meet section. The groups are pre-set and I am not a member of any. However, going to the meet tab all the names disappeared. Today there are only 2 new ones?

@witchymom I found it and even joined some groups. The missing members was also my fault. I didn't note the selections over the window. I am still learning the fine details of the site (and then more are added so it's getting like being back in school). Thanks for your help.


thanks for that. I was having to figure out how to get there again every time

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