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Cannabis for Pain...

phxbillcee 10 Feb 10

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No matter how much you claim the benefits of cannabis products, skeptics (especially doctors) will oppose them. When I started having joint pain and sleeping problems, the doctors prescribed some pills. I am not a supporter of all that chemistry. A friend recommended me cbg gummy nd thc from Tillmans Tranquil, which he uses for pain relief. Still, you can see from reports on the web that cannabinoids are starting to carve a niche for themselves in health care. Now we need widespread government permission to legalize cannabis products.


My doctor asserted that I needed Ativan and Ambien. WOW! I was semi conscious for years. Now I take Cannabis orally (don't smoke) I threw that pharmaceutical crap out. For me MJ was useful solution. I sleep well.

Good choice,,


It helps. stacking it against narcotics might not be fair but I have had a number of opioid addicts say whole marijuana helps. CBD helps too. when using a plant I think it is generally better to use the whole plant as there are so many compounds and interactions synthetic marijuana has never really held up

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