But I like the effects of alcohol on my brain. That's why I drink it.
I don't have any anxiety; the beer and wine take care of that. Why do you Australians want to spoil our fun. By the way, I lived in a commune in Amsterdam in 1971-72. There was an Australian sailor named Blue. Cute guy, long blond hair and could cook! Never understood more than one word out of three he spoke. Do you know him? I figure there are so few of you on that vast continent, you must all know each other.
People always ask me if I know their father;s family who lived in some burg a hundred years ago. I always say, Yes, of course. They were famous.
My alcoholic russian ex stopped drinking & his character changed completely. So much so that he became my ex. Insanely jealous which he never was before. So if there's a drug that can help him, I'd welcome it. Sorry if I can't laugh at your joke.