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Uncertainty, string, boson, dark matter, chaos, event horizon, lets here more about these, than what is god?.

magicwatch 7 Feb 10

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You puny humans think god is a man thing. It's not, it's actually dark matter combined with dark energy that created everything for it's own amusement and to watch it evolve. Our planet is groundhogs day to it. We wake up kill each other then go back to sleep. What entity would want to look at or be involved with that crap day after day?


You are confusing a discussion of the scientific realm with the religious. This is a fallacy of thinking and should not be done as one quickly gets confused by the use of language and the concepts they convey. It is like trying to discuss the aspects of artichokes with concepts concerning a piano. They do have aspects which are similar, but one cannot say eating a piano tastes better when dipped in butter.


What would you like to chat about? And you need to say what type of boson you're looking to discuss..Uncertainty Principle?String theory or butchers string?

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