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The anthropic and multiverse hypotheses' seem to both apply to each individual life. We each have our own unique layer of the multiverse, that exists solely for our perceptions. Every single individual life has a singular and unique perception of their individual multiverse layer, in the wider shared universe. Our paths lie beside each other, but we see the common elements.
Thoughts? Am I just nuts? Is my description adequate? ????

Dreegle 4 Feb 11

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It's obvious that from the quantum level up to the entire universe the patterns of matter are repeated. An atom, a solar system, a galaxy all have similar forms on an ever increasing scale, but I think the only trait that most of us share with the universe is that we are mostly empty.
Your comparison of individual people to hypothetical universes is interesting, but we would be hasty in linking our perception of physical existence to reality.
And a question, I can see to some extent your view of the multiverse/ individual connection, but where does the anthropic principle come into play?

JimG Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

The anthropic principle is basically that the universe exists for the perception of sapient life... Each persons individual perception is entirely different and unique. Each living organism has a unique perception of the universe we share, and when we die, our individual universes (layer of the multiverse cease to be... Or continue on without us... whether we can perceive it or not.


You experience the way the world is through a very specific set of senses that have evolved through the pressures of the world over millions of years. The world doesn't change for each person or animal, perception of it varies based on the individual.

Then, of course, you must allow for people like writers... Whose "imaginations" define their reality. You will never be able to see someone elses "universe". You can't see or hear someone elses hallucinations, dreams or nightmares. Their universe is defined by their perceptions, and include individual points of view, for every shared aspect of our combined multiverses...


The anthropic hypothesis or anthropic principle is the notion that a universe must be compatible with the consciousness that observes it. The "weak anthropic principle" just says that the universe seems "fine-tuned" because of survivor bias. It doesn't require there to be multiple universes, necessarily. The "strong anthropic principle" suggests that universes are somehow biased to have sentient life emerge with them -- a view which is more disposed to multiverse theory. Both statements of this principle are, of course, helped by the existence of multiverses.

Regardless ... multiverse theory as I understand it doesn't necessarily suggest that every decision point "branches off" a "new" universe. That would be one possible hypothesis, but not the only one.

Maybe an actual physicist will come along and [in]validate my understanding, but that's how it is at present for me.

The anthropic principle is that the universe exists solely for the purpose of perception by sapient life. A better argument against it is infinity. With the amount of time and space that the universe has at its' disposal, anything and everything can, and will eventuate. The nature of a flat universe indicates that there would be places in it that don't obey the laws of science as we recognise them.
It's infinity. Infinity is the answer to every question posed by a non sentient god. We are here, right here, right now, existing against the probability of infinity... The odds are in our favour... but why?

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