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Is all that because I am an atheist ?

If only I were that body .. I would have the possibility, that I would only rot, in the grave and its over... but I am not the body alone .. I am the body, and this thing that look to everything, through it
...... In fact, I'm just that thing, that sits inside and does everything ..... I never doubt that my body will rot ... But it's impossible to know what will happen to me ( Spirit,soul)...... is all that because I am an atheist ?

belfo 6 Nov 26

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Why are you assuming that souls exist?

This body is me. The introspection, the inquesitiveness, the thought; they are electrochemical reactions produced by this body. When death of the body occurs those reactions cease.

There's no soul. There's no existence beyond death. This is it; you get only one life.

JimG Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

When death of the body occurs those reactions cease, or maybe vice versa?

  1. "We don't have bodies, we are bodies." - C. Hitchens.

  2. Nobody knows what happens after we die. That has nothing to do with atheism .

  3. If you can accept that your body will rot, why can't you apply the same to your "soul". The belief that souls do not degrade is a separate empty presumption from the belief in the existence of souls, and once you start stacking empty presumptions it's time to back away.

In your opinion,if we are bodies where is the difference between the dead body and the living body?

@belfodil A "dead" body is still has life in it. Bacteria, re-appropriating the organic components, are alive. No one has accused them of having souls.
A "living" body is a system of many complex chemicals processes in a sustainable state, comprised of a approximately equal amount of bacteria and living cells.
The awareness produced by the chemical processes in the brain are just that. If there was a magical soul inserted into us, a drug overdose could never cause what the doctors call brain-death, and shamans probably call soul-removal.
If the body needed a spirit to animate it, hospital equipment would fail to maintain the processes of life in the rest of the body once such a tragedy occur.


What you are referring to as the "soul" is merely the routine operation of your self-aware brain. When your body dies, your brain dies with it. The brain decays; consciousness ends.
If raised under different circumstances, the concept of a "soul" never would have occurred to you because it's a man-made construct.

I am one of the people who call it the (soul or spirit)... the body needs energy to work ... in your opinion what is the source of this energy? ... (me I call it Spirit)

@belfodil I call the molecule that provides the primary source of energy in animals, adenosine triphosphate. This is not an opinion, but a fact based on countless scientific experiments and empirical evidence.


No that thought is because you're human. Unfortunately the perceived disconnect between the body and soul/spirit is actually a disconnect between the body and the mind. Your mind controls your body but it also only lives because of it. It's a symbiotic relationship in where one party has self-awareness and the other does not. Unfortunately, we only rot.

Or the withdrawal of the energy of the mind. This is what I call the soul

@belfodil That's not a thing.


I don't believe in a spirit or a soul.
I have zero existential angst.
IF there is anything after we die (which I don't believe there is), I'll find out after I die. In the meantime, it's a complete waste of my time to think about it.

Why are we afraid of death ... for example, because our fate is unknown to us? ..
... When I compare the few days that we will live and what will be in the forever... Believe me I will waste all my time to think about it ..

@belfodil I'm not afraid of death. It's inevitable. Worrying about it seems like a tremendous waste of time and energy. It also seems counter-productive as it takes away from the life we have NOW.
If you want to worry about it, knock yourself out.

@KKGator Thinking about it maybe take some of my life to give me another beautiful life .. I think about it and i am always happy ... my princess, I want to ask you what do you mean by (knock yourself out)

@belfodil "Knock yourself out" is just a figure of speech, meaning "do what you want to do".

@KKGator @KKGator .... thank you so much


We are extensions of Ultimate Reality, which is immortal by default. Our bodily individual selves will be gone, but IMO those selves are only illusions anyway. We were not born and we will not die.

Could you discribe this "Ultimate Reality"?

Is there an ultimate reality in a limited time?

As I see it, the world of our everyday lives is only symbolic of actual reality. We think in terms of matter, space and time, but those are just artificial concepts to help us organize sensory data to facilitate survival. According to quantum gravity theory time does not exist, space is particle-like and there are a finite number of space grains. A particle of matter is not a thing but an interaction between covariant quantum fields.

Ultimate Reality is not something magical or supernatural. It is the aspect of nature that we can not detect with our senses or understand with our matter/space/time model. A map of Texas is not Texas.

Except for superficial glimmers of insight by physicists. Ultimate Reality is a profound mystery. It is all that there is, but little can be said about It.

I lean toward thinking that consciousness is an attribute of Ultimate Reality and that when we experience conscious awareness we are experiencing our true self. It is one Self. At that level we are all united. This paragraph is intuition, but there are some good arguments. “Spiritual Science” by psychologist Steve Taylor is a recent book that delves into the subject. Taylor describes himself as not religious.

@belfodil according to quantum gravity theory there’s no such thing as time. It’s easy to see that without conscious awareness the concept of time is meaningless. From a cosmic perspective, questions about afterlives have no meaning—immortality is the default state.

It’s a hell of a profound mystery in any event.

@WilliamFleming If this is the other side of nature, and we can not discover it, by means that are part of nature ... (suppose that God exists) why we are trying to discover him, and he is completely outside the dimensions of the universe?, .... (((according to quantum gravity theory there’s no such thing as time)) This is a information I didn't know sir. Thank you

@belfodil “Reality is not What it Seems” by Carlo Rovelli is a good book on the subject, written for us laymen. Chapter Seven is “Time Does not Exist”.

IMO we can not discover that other side of nature because we are treating it as an object “out there”. Maybe “WE” are that other side—I mean the consciously aware higher self we have in common.

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