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Is this site itself misnamed?

Agnosticism suggests that we do not have knowledge. We most definitely have knowledge. The only requirement to be atheist is to believe in (convinced of) zero gods. An archaic term, Gnostic in the past meant that someone was the authority on knowledge. This is thoroughly a misnomer. The most well read top minds in the world are not Gnostic. The opposite, Agnostic, is also terribly misleading. I like the way Aron Ra put it: Science doesn't know everything. Religion knows nothing.

IrishKing 3 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I have those argument discussions frequently here.


Perhaps we don't know what we don't know?

Admin Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

Agreed. But Agnosticism is a positive claim that the information is perpetually out of reach. I take issue with that strongly.

@IrishKing it down rule out the possibility that evidence is observed in the future.

Yes, when the term ‘agnostic’ is used improperly. @IrishKing

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