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Shame On Southwest Airlines...

Southwest Airlines is in no position to make fun of anyone. I think Southwest Airlines is the worst airlines ever. I tried them once but never again!

twshield 8 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I took my failing Mom to see my brother, her last ever trip. Southwest treated her/us like a Queen...wheelchair & attendant waiting right there every stop, first on, first off, seated in front. I truly could not have done it without, smiling & courteous thruout AND lowest airfare!! Thank You Southwest!
I will Never use another airline!


Shame on Southwest!? No. Shame on that mother for choosing such a ridiculously stupid name for her child.


Shame on the airlines? I'm sorry. That name caught the person (not the airline) off guard and if it were me I would have laughed too.

Hihi Level 6 Nov 29, 2018

When pronounced correctly, i like it!!! Bad parenting? For giving your child a unique and out of the ordinary kind of name?? Screw that!! I went to school with 4 others that had my same name that were in my grade, in a class of 90!


The attendant shouldn't have done that, but the parents should seriously be ashamed for naming their kid the first 5 letters of the alphabet lol

What the hell do they think is going to happen to that girl her whole life now? That's bad parenting.


I blame the mother for this. If she hadn't given the girl such a stupid name (all because the mother thought it to be cute and original) this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have said anything to their face but laughed like hell behind their back.
Would your name your kid "Uranus" because it's the name of a planet and it sounds cool?

From youtube comments: "Her brother DAFAQ is equally upset."

BLAME! I passed uranus on the way back from st. Louis tonight! The blame is on the insensitive employee! Not the mom! Bad parenting? Come on!! Since when is small mindedness acceptable!!? Especially here!!

@AArealist It's allowed when the mother or father is so self-centered to name a child "Abcde", I'd love to know the actual truth to why the girl was named that.
There's no telling what she goes through at school because of her name, children can be cruel to one another. It seems to me that the girls parents didn't have her well-being in mind when naming her.
It's just my opinion though, take it or leave it at your own discretion.


O.o I honestly thought that name was a Lewis Black joke. Someone used it?


I'm sure this was not the first and it will not be the last time a joke has been made at this poor child's expense because of the name her parent imposed on her. I'm not going to clutch my pearls in feigned outrage and stop flying Southwest because of this.

GwenC Level 7 Nov 29, 2018

They should have called out the mother instead of the kid. No one in their right mind would give a child such a name.


They have an amazing safety record. Re: []

"In the 43 years it’s taken for Texas based Southwest Airlines to grow from an irreverent, upstart carrier to the largest domestic airline in the United States it has suffered a sole safety-related fatality. Beneath the fun and frolic that characterize the Southwest’s public persona there’s a no-nonsense – and serious – culture of safety that saves lives.

"To fully fathom how remarkable the single safety-related fatality is you’ve got to consider that over the first 42 years of its 43-year existence, the period for which we have complete numbers, Southwest transported some 1.7 billion passengers – 1,708,515,297 to be precise. During the same timeframe it made 23.9 million trips."

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