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And so, it starts

I have been getting calls for harp gigs. Christmas of course, is the busy season, but March picks up with St Patty's day gigs. Just now I've been talking to a man who wants me to, and I quote, "impersonate or play chinese-like music for a Chinese tea ceremony". Uhm, what? I am as white bread as they come. I could never pass as Asian. I told him I am available on that date but am REALLY uncomfortable with the cultural appropriation. BTW, he is white bread too, but one of these new-age everything's. A real whack-a-doodle. AND the best part.....its 3 hours and there's NO PAY! How wonderful! Spend my whole afternoon pretending to be Asian to celebrate Chinese new year. Yeah, no. Grrrrr. What is wrong with people?

SweetHarp 7 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I sympathize with you Sweetharp. Everyone wants something for nothing. Since you play a rather specialized instrument, I can't believe that there is much competition (?) And you should be paid - especially considering the nature of the request. I imagine that all of the actual harp players were too expensive πŸ˜‰

@SweetHarp sorry if I wasn't clear - it was supposed to say; "actual chinese" - I typed too fast. My implication was that if he could get you to play for free, and pretend to be , he could save a little .

@SweetHarp now I am mortified that I offended you. I guess a proofread would have helped.

@SweetHarp Its the weirdest thing, I think this thing is editing out the word Chinese. Is that possible? I will spell it out to see if it does it again c h i n e s e


Yaaaa, , , , that sounded ridiculous . I mean , how much time did you waste just talking to the guy ?

Dougy Level 7 Feb 13, 2018

Why no pay?


Why would you call that appropriation? Especially when you are playing an Egyptian instrument (the earliest harp evidence is from Egypt around 2450bc). I don’t consider it to be appropriation for people to play the bagpipes and celebrate Burns Night.

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