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LINK Vice President becomes president

Just a little education about the process of how the Vice President becomes President and then what.

48thRonin 8 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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This is one of the reasons I would prefer annulment over impeachment. In many ways, Pence would be worse that tRump.

Hair Fuhrer, for all the damage he is already doing, could (and I'm sure would) do much, much more save for the facts that he is lazy and wholly ignorant of how our system of government works.

Pence, on the other hand, is an experienced politician and knows how government works. He is also a religious zealot. This is a dangerous combination of qualities for a leader...

My wife says the hand maidens tale. So yeah I get it


Cheetos head's base will support him no matter what. They, using fear in the primaries will keep repukes from impeachment. Our best bet is 2020 elections and to also retake the Senate as well. Then reverse his crippling shit. By then, I expect we will be in full blown ression

Ok politicize noted

@48thRonin also noted, gamer who doesn't understand Japanese culture of the past and ......


Unless Pence is indicted. He isnt as clean as "Mother" would believe. Who is next? OH EM GEE! Nancy?

Della Level 6 Dec 8, 2018

Yeah he’s not mentioned in any of the indictments so please just find a suitable candidate for 2020 that would be great 😊

According to @SethAbramson on Twitter, (author of the new best-seller Proof of Collusion and a guy who's right about all things Trump / Mueller 95% of the time) in his judgment Pence will likely not be indicted. He seems to have had a Plan all along to succeed Trump after his inevitable implosion. He has a habit of being as far away as possible from key meetings where anything untoward might happen. Abramson says Pence's corruption is likely "sub-criminal".

Can't say enough good things about Seth, I've followed him for most of the past 2 years and I can't tell you how many times I turn on CNN to hear of alleged "breaking news" that I got from Seth literally months earlier.

As for Pelosi -- not my first choice but way ahead of either Trump or Pence.

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