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QUESTION Some choice bits re death, religion

You’re about to turn 85. Are you afraid of the end?

What do you think happens when you pass?
You’re just gone.

Are you religious?
No, man. I know too much about it. I knew Romano Mussolini, the jazz piano player, the son of Benito Mussolini. We used to jam all night. And he’d tell me about where the Catholics were coming from. The Catholics have a religion based on fear, smoke, and murder. And the biggest gimmick in the world is confession: “You tell me what you did wrong and it’ll be okay.” Come on. And almost everywhere you go in the world, the biggest structures are the Catholic churches. It’s money, man. It’s fucked up.

BobFenner 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Just look at the money and life styles of the tv ministers. How stupid these people are to donate millions of $ so this idiot can live a life style of a king.

All part of the cultured guilt eh?


Property paid for from blackmailing over confessions? Locally it has just been revealed that the Catholic church lied at an investigation into child pedophilia by priests. They understated how much they owned in order to minimize the compensation payable and according to the nationally syndicated Catholic bashing local paper it was billions of dollars that were not admitted to.


From an interview w/ Quincy Jones.

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