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Dating with an accent... romantic?

I heard that Chadwick Boseman was asked why he used the Xhosa South African accent in his character for the Black Panther. He says people cautioned him that an audience, especially in the west, would not be able to sit through a movie with a lead speaking in an african accent. He said, he found the african accent as classical as many european accents of english...

I had my moment of vanity for a while. lol. But I have not had real feedback on this. So what do we think about the African accents we have heard? Because they are many...

Traffique_Jaam 4 Feb 13

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I think we are attracted to accents, because it is so different than our own sound. North America has so many regional accents, that we are used to them. But when we hear others, it’s fun. I would think that in Europe/Asia and Africa, accents would be more novel, as people don’t travel to other countries, as easy as we do states here.


I've heard many African accents in London, and many of them have musical, lilting qualities.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 13, 2018
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