6 8

Well I saw this new category and I feel the need to testify!
I was born an atheist and will happily die as one.
Extended family and peers tried to pressure me into being a christian my parents took a more neutral position and encouraged me to think for myself and make up my own mind.
By 8 I had serious questions as to the validity of religious claim and by 10 I declared myself free of delusion as an atheist. Living in rural Alberta Canada I was often pick on and excluded for my lack of belief, however, this came to an abrupt end when I turn 15 as I grew and was farm kid strong and athletic, and tired of being pick on. Didn't stop all of the exclusion but, picking on my just wasn't going to happen.
I have testified!

HeathenFarmer 8 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Old Habits, hey.


Dat's wat I'm talk'n bout. Born that way!

Yeah man, I'm snag'n shar'n that cartoon.


OMG I LOVE that photo/meme!


That's the way to do it. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Feb 14, 2018

say it brother


Right on!

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