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I kept forgetting it was ash Wednesday today. Seeing people with ashes on their foreheads kept catching me off guard.

Livinlife 9 Feb 14

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Having no exposure to Catholic myth-followers when I was growing up, this really threw me when I did first see it around the time I was 17.. all sorts of ways to mark ourselves to display one's piety, from red-dots to ashy smudges.. holi festival looks like fun, though, don't know if that has a religious basis


Should be hash wednesday


People really do that? Seriously? I've never seen that. Ever.

There is a large concentration of Catholics where i live.


I had to refrain from holding them down, licking my thumb and cleaning their foreheads while lecturing to them about their bathing skills. 🙂

@diabhal on the one hand, you caught me and I can't argue with your theory.

I in fact have read a study which had dire results: fathers talking "smack" about homosexuals, sons going out and killing same!! The fathers thought it was just talk, the sons, somehow, took it as permission.

That said, I raised it as humor here, a private audience. I also raised it with two coworkers in the moment (one a recovering catholic) and both saw it for the humor it was intended to be and the truth is it is meant as humor and humor only.

@diabhal Yes.

In ALL contexts. Meaning that if it was meant in harmless humor, I'd take it as harmless humor.

Harmful commentary, against any belief system is harmful and I like to think I would take any person doing same to task... no matter the target... unless it were the Orange Shitgibbon. He has earned special dispensation. 🙂


Yep keep asking why do you have dirt on your forehead.


Keep wanting to tell people there is something smeared on their head


I can still remember have ashes up on my forehead.


Puts me in mind of Ash vs Evil Dead.


Season three starts so soon!


In Western New York this was a common sight on Ash Wednesday. Now in Georgia, it is a rarity.


It's funny but when I was a Catholic I was taught not to wear my religion on my sleeve; it is a form of pride which is a sin. The last time I went to mass on ash Wednesday a partner in the firm was with me. I wiped the ashes off but went back to work ash headed. To some it is a badge.

Maybe we should start an ash day and have a big A on our foreheads.


I've never seen that.
I must not have been paying too much attention to them.

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