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I was asked today what I had given up for Lent by someone assuming I'm Catholic. Smh. My answer? Religion!

Livinlife 9 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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For some reason catholics seem to be the most of the converts to atheists. I too am one of these converts. When so many ideas just did not sit well with my reason I started resist and in school got into a lot of trouble and time looking at coats for penance.Lent never made sense to me nor did walking around with ashes on my forehead. giving up religion was a great option for lent.


gotta know the response. I imagine it was a baffled deer in the headlights look.

That's the best description. I probably would have been Kinder if it wasn't somebody I've worked with for over 10 years. Lol

@Livinlife I am known for being blunt. I do have a guilty pleasure in shock value. Now that I'm getting older I do ty to weigh the value of it, sometimes it can be the best approach, sometimes I need to be subtle. your response would have been my first and most likely response. I was giddy to see you post.


That's a cool comment.

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