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If I could find a girl that loves Stevie Nicks, butt sex, weaponry, and horsepower...don't get me hemmed up in all this left/right wing bullshit...I am a man's man, I hunt and fish....I will however hurt a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain to animals or people...I believe every creature on this earth deserves a chance(except for 99% of people)...henceforth the reason I will swerve for possums, pickup a random bug and see it off on its merry way....I know that I came from the heart of dead stars....BUT...I'm not a pacifist...I am a man if action....lies do not become us

iamjoules 3 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Well I know I'm not doing you in the butt


If you're a man's man , and looking for butt sex , perhaps you should be looking for a man , rather than a girl ? Are you sure of who you are ?

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