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QUESTION More than thoughts and prayers; action!

I don't generally believe in protests or marches as they are too unfocused. This was my experience at the March for Science and Women and Black Lives and all the other. These were nebulous marches around nebulous concepts based on nebulous slights with the overall result of diluting the intended message.

However, the rash of mass shootings and the USA obsession with guns is not nebulous and is an issue that affects all people alike.

As such, I'm starting a group and seeing how it goes. I want it to be focused on initiatives, set plans, set ideas that we want to see done and not just a general "anti-gun" notion.

Let me know what you think about these issues. Join the group. Of, if you know of any other similar initiatives, share them with us so that we may join it. But if there are no similar initiatives and see value in discussion and demonstration, share this link and see if we can get some movement on this movement.

TheMiddleWay 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Honestly it needs to start with running strong candidates and working against such things a gerrymandering, voter suppression actions etc. The GOP has made a concerted effort to ensure they will win every election by making it hard if not impossible to vote against them. So they already have the "christian" conservatives" as a head start. There needs to be a restoration of the voters rights act and grass root efforts to get people to see what is going on. The advantage now is this kind of horrific act will cross many parameters and boundries and bring like minded people together no matter what their political leanings are


I didn't grow up with mass shootings. There was murder, and drug related murder, but no mass shootings. Something has changed in our society, I don't think it is just about guns. I wonder why some people are willing to plan, and then execute defenseless people? What is wrong with their brain? What is different in society now? What makes society more dangerous today, than the 60's or 70's?

@TheMiddleWay In my generation I am sure there were no mass shootings. Medication may be the correct answer, but I medicate for anxiety and depression. With my experience with street drugs, I realize that many people do not respond the the same to any given drug. Social media makes me scratch my head? Is social media really social? This I wonder? People can say things out of character W/O immediate repercussions.

We spend so much of our time and treasure fighting wars.

@TheMiddleWay What can I say we we're stoned🙂 The two mass shootings don't add up to the number of mass shooting per week now days. Remeber 60's & 70's.


I think this group is a wonderful idea.

@TheMiddleWay So you started this group? Not just joined it?

@TheMiddleWay Your graphic of all the guns gives me an impression of a a pro-gun site on first glance without reading. Would you be open to a different cover photo?
It's a tough idea to conceptualize. I am thinking we could take an image of a former march and manipulate the signs into clever and witty anti- gun images?

@TheMiddleWay ok I love it. I wasn't sure if you made it...


What I think is that until things like citizens untied are over turned and lobbying outlawed you will have the people who need to act on the take. Congress is today a get rich quick scheme where you vote as you are paid rather than for those who sent you. Until such time all the screaming yelling and protesting in the world will not help. People need to vote for people of integrity and honor

@TheMiddleWay Today I supported an unknown candidate for State Senate. I got to know her personally. I'm going to write a letter to a local magazine. I might help with her website. Know your local politicians support them so they move on to more important positions. The smarter people need to be active.

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