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I follow the Trump investigation closely and have reached the conclusion that Mueller will indeed get him. I believe Trump is up too more than just being president and the nation is about to see it end,
the question is , do you believe we, as a nation, end this administration

EMC2 8 Feb 16

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I keep hoping but past results do not give me much surety. NO indictments after the banking debackle. No implimentation of the Dodd/Frank. gop will still have control and to date have done NOTHING to curb the manbaby. A 2nd woman has claimed an affair and still the evangelicals stand by their man. Finally, so trump goes and we get fucking pense. awe, jesus give me a fucking break!?!!?! Thanks for letting me rant.


With the news now breaking regarding 13 russian indictments and the reason for such, even had Fox state the russian investigation is not a hoax.

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 16, 2018
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