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.This gun issue is making me crazy. I understand the attraction to guns. I know why gun people get off on shooting.

What I don't get is why their second amendments rights outweigh the "Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" for the lives our children. Why is this amendment so important verses these three:.13,14, & 19? Or any other one for that matter. When will we see ourselves as moral being. And we no longer want to kill and destroy.


This is perhaps the most insane anti-science policy of Congress BANNING DATA COLLECTION but their motive is obvious banning mental health funding to keep shooters in therapy disarmed


Wow this is really interesting. Once again we see the power of the NRA. They have all these legislators in their pockets. I don't have a problem with gun owners but when they even opposed back checking it tells you that they only care about the money they make and screw the people.


I don't think the gun violence research discussion in this country has a 'sell by date' and it won't end until it's fixed.


Too bad this article is five years old.

Isn't it current anymore? Maybe it's not a recent article but still an topical matter I would say.

It’s not current in numbers. Interesting how pointing that out is negative.

5 years ago or yesterday, illustrates that the 'powers that be' in support of their million$ gun-money habit, refused to even let the CDC honestly look at what is clearly a huge problem. Even without the CDC giving concrete evidence of statistics in US versus rest of the world, the numbers are readily available that show we greatly lead the rest of the world in gun-violence, slaughtered kids and adults alike from one-off accidental shootings to full on mass shootings.. The age of the article means nothing, the fact that 5 years later, the same ban on research is still in place, THAT says a lot more.. That NRA money-snuff is still king, owning almost all of the GOP and too much of the democrat pols, too.

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