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Where did my group go?

I have a group of truly offensive meme's, and it does not exist now. WTF happenened to it? I had close to 100 members and now it is gone, not word one as to what happened to it. Explain yourself

zorialoki 8 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe someone got offended? LOL I was in that group. While a lot of it was distasteful, I didn't think it was bad enough to be removed. But, @LiterateHiker is right. It may have violated guidelines.


Your "truly offensive memes" likely violated community guidelines.

Community Guidelines of

"A key part of this site is the ability for members to post questions, comments, and links. As we want to ensure that this platform is inclusive and discussions lively yet productive, we would like members to consider the following guidelines. Help make this an intelligent place for discussion and it will be.

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Groups must follow the same Community Guidelines.


Don't ask me. I am not in charge of I just copied and pasted the Community Guidelines.

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Calm down. There is no reason to swear.

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