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About Me and What I Think: 1st Question is most Men really Straight and Hetero? When I see myself Straight & Hetero (I run into some deeper issues) I see men wanting to show the same interest women have ... They are like Straight and Hetero with an interest in Masculine things. So men get interested in Masculine things.

With Me? I can't get interested in Masculine things. I like my attraction to women for them being Feminine and what is or has a twist with me is not Bi-Sexual (?) but I want the interest in a Women to be attracted to Feminine things for which I can find more mutual with what I am more comfortable with. (I think like Hair is a Masculine thing. I don't like Hair. Another Twist. I like women, but it isn't big breast I am attracted to. I like almost flat chested women. Dogs have a Masculine character to them and I am not very attracted to Dogs. So when they want an Interest in Dogs (It's a No No with me) I am Attracted to Birds. (I think because they are more Feminine in Character and you don't see women with a Masculine attraction liking birds - (So Much?) - ... )

I just see Life is not having the previsions we all really need and that some possible God isn't having all that much concerned about us. (I never can get into all the deeper issues, because I struggle with grammar. When I post it is generalized. That leaves to some miss interpretations of what I try to say around here so often.)

PriceMichael 4 Oct 30

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What I am thinking and trying to say is that I think a Bi-sexual women might like me more than a Straight Hetero Women. Assuming all the Mutual Interest is in the Attraction towards Feminism things (?) Cause I almost can just see it in my own reasoning that I can't like what Straight Hetero Women like, being those Masculine things I get uncomfortable with what they like. There is an attraction about women that the competition of more suitable other guys get with their high class professionalism of occupations. I have disabilities and in a world so old and populated. The good ones are taken. And what I want isn't available from what I can see right now.


It is hard for many people to come to terms with defining sexual and/or gender identity. Most people ore genetically XX, if Female, or XY if male. I have a friend who has an extra chromosome and is XXY. How would one categorize that? There are other genetic gender anomalies, of XYY and XXYY, and in fct you cn have persons with long strings of extra chromosomes, and their genitalia can be very counter intuitive to their what you'd expect from their genes.

Then there is psychological gender. Sometimes a person will identify as the gender opposite to their genetic gender. Lately these persons have been called transgendered.

Sexual orientation also confuses people. How do you identify it? Most people experient with same gender sex acts at some point in their life. However, many male dogs will also hump a person's leg. Most same gender experimentalism is just general sexual desires using available outlets, much like a dog will hump your leg as the available outlet for its sexual instincts, people will do the same and have sex with persons who do not fit their sexual orientation but are just an available sexual outlet.

Kinsey shocked the world with his sexual studies and conclusions, which although the study by today's standards would be considered to be flawed in design, his results have been mostly confirmed by thousands of other studies. However, the most important aspect of Kinsety's research was the Kinsey Scale, which said human sexual behavior fell on a continuum. His scale ranged from 0, which was 100% heterosexual, to 6, which was 100% homosexual. Most peopel fall in the middle. It is important to note that the scale only measure sexual behavior though, and sexual behavior does not actually denote sexual orientation. For instance most men in prison have sex with other men, but few would actually be gay. It is just that the only sexual outlet available is with other men.

I myself align with the idea that sexual orientation is determined not by who you have sex with, but who you develop those feelings for that we refer to as "falling in love" with. In other words, I believe that sxual attraction follows and is orientated towards emotional or affectional attractions.

Unfortunately, our culture is geared more towards what people do than what they feel, and to many people feelings are too ethereal and so they (too) quickly discount it as a basis for definition. They are more comfortable with what they actually see people do, as they feel they can quantify that (I is easier to quantify that way, but perhaps easy is nto the most accurate way to quantify), so they at best refer to Kinsey. At worst they rely on others to tell them, or just make stuff up.

When it comes to masculine or feminine, I don't see why we need to categorize everyone into one category or the other. There is a lot in between the two and most people fall in the middle. Rather than conform to the expectations of others, when it comes to gender identity, sexual orientation, of stereotypical gender behaviors, everyone shoudl be allowed to self define. It is a shame the the variety of people in this world is far more diverse than our culture's vocabulary to describe them. Or, in other words, our vocabulary is lacking to describe everything that is out there.

People don't fit into neat little boxes and categories. If we all were all alike, we'd not evolve and would most likely die out as a species.


The more free we become of social constructs, the more androgynous we become. People look at masculinity as dominance, but there are many dominant females in the world. We look at submissiveness as feminine, but there's many men who like to play second fiddle. That's one of the many reasons I love dogs- they're instinctively honest, and don't do gender. When it comes to sexuality many times it's more about the person than the body parts they possess.

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