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So, if you are mildly awake, and watching events around the world, there is really very little to be optimistic about. I wonder how one maintains a sense of optimism without indulging in the brainwash culture which is all around us....

Traffique_Jaam 4 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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My daughter and I were literally just taking about that...but now I’m watching a Netflix video bout the voyager. Hey, a piece of our litter has some value. Also reminders that we could just be living in a fart out of a giant somewhere, so...anyway cool show.


Look at the news as the entertainment medium that it really is. Look locally to find the good in your neighborhood. Pay more attention to what Mr. Rodgers tried to tell us. He was right, Fox news and its ilk are wrong...


Most people I've known personally put themselves in a bubble and only worry about what they consider to be things that affect them directly. I want to be in a bubble but I can't unknow things.


I came out of a religion that constantly focused on all the negative things happening in the world around us because they wanted us to feel the only answer to fix it all is god's kingdom (black and white mentality). Now with a broadened perspective of thngs, I can see the bad and also that there are good things that happen too. This helps me have a more balanced view of life and that there are positive things I can focus on, not just the negative stuff.


I try to stay away from all news. FB gives me snippets, but I don’t read newspapers or watch the news or follow any news sites. Yes, it puts me in a bubble of sorts, but I also cry and rage a lot less. 🙂

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