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Grew up in a Christian Church, but at a young age (probably around 6), decided that there was no god up in the sky that was watching my every move. Have seen quite a few others on this site who did the same thing. What was there about you that caused this lack of belief in god? For me, I questioned a lot. And if didn't get an answer that seem right to me, just no. Ended up being an engineer, and think I am pretty logical. Didn't accept my parents authority over me easily. Am also the black sheep of the family. Thoughts?

Or-Humanist 7 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I think your questioning nature, logical mind and the requiring of evidence is a common thread for most of us that achieve atheism at an early age.


Black sheep. Welcome. Left mom and dad's church. They left, too, a few years later. Left the Catholic Church after a nasty divorcee. Practice US style Buddism. Last year, I packed my deceased father's stuff, I found an old, disintegrating Torah and a mini-Talmud - with notes. Turns out they were philosophical geeks, too. Be the best black sheep you can be, be kind and ethical. Search. Peace.


I'd be interested in knowing how a child of 6 yrs old, having no independence, or (being 6) the intellectual sophistication aquired with age and experience, and having only his familial belief systems to rely on and reference, came to the conclusion of "atheism". I'm very interested in hearing your story!

Think in part that had figured out there was no Santa Claus, easter bunny, tooth fairy. God seemed to be another of those myths. And there was no evidence. As I didn't have much control, I did go to church every Sunday with my family, until I could quit in high school. And then was just unchurched and not a believer. Didn't come to atheism and humanist until much later. And that took research and critical thinking.

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