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My Dear Community,

If you have not yet seen the film Mother!, I urge you to, especially as a member here. Please read a synopsis of what the story is about before viewing, as was recommended to me. This movie received poor reviews on the internet because people did not truly understand what the plot is. Long story short, it is a gut-wrenching view of how we treat our home, our Mother Earth, and how humans can be blinded by questionable faiths and gods and put that before anything else. I was upset to tears watching this, and it reaffirmed my belief that humans must do better to protect what we have and the things nature gives us. We take far too much for granted. I just wanted to share this in hopes that someone will be as moved as I am and be inspired to do more.

If you have seen Mother!, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

NicThePoet 7 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I saw this very soon after it came out, as Aronofsky is my favorite director. I left shaken on a very visceral level, I think it speaks to so many truths, both psychological and socio-political. About relationships and the nature of love. About jealousy, envy, fear. I could go on and on about it, as it touches on a lot of my own personal views.


I posted about this 2 weeks ago. It was a good movie. IMO. I bought it too. I loved it!


Hi, Nice to see your post. I caught 'Mother!' a couple of weeks ago at our small arts center on 'arty weird, wonderful and / or foreign' Monday night film slot.
I wish I had read up some sort of synopsis first, as I spent far too much of the film going 'Eh?@ untill I twigged the God / Earth / Christ child metaphor. I then sort of missed the next few minutes as things tumbled into place and I went 'Oh, right so he's 'God' and ...'
For sometime I wondered if it was a motherhood fear symbolism.. There they were, seemingly OK, then she's expecting, and she has dreams / dreads of all these odd strangers invading their lives and spoiling it.
I'm still not sure I got everything .. Was their secluded patch the whole Earth, or just the so called Garden of Eden? Was she just the Virgin Mary, or the Earth Mother? Or some amalgam of both?

Certainly the small crowd at our showing wondered out a bit shell shocked going What!!?? Well, I knew it would be 'odd', I mean, it is an Aronofsky (Spelling??), and I've seen some of his others, but even by his standards it was .. tough going.

Oh dear, I fear I may have a bit countered your plea for people to watch it, as I've made it sound unattractive. I hope not, certainly not my intention. Sure, 'Sound of Music' it is not, but for something to stretch your mind.. and open mind that is .. it's well worth it.


You know Nicki... ocean divers are still finding towns and structures in the ocean. The land sank into the ocean or the water rose up and covered the villages. Hmmm... im wondering how the villages and monuments got there. What caused the ocean to sink and to rise? Was it just nature do its thing? Your right. The water over here ( lake Charles louisiana) is bad and nasty too. The gulf water is bad. It's loosing it's oxygen and holding the heat longer. I expect another hurricane to come in here and tear us up. Yep... are children are going to pay for what we're doing to the planet. It's terrible. The more people the more pollution and then we need more food and it all runs down into the Mississippi river and into the gulf and killing all all the fish... the children are in trouble.


I watched it a few weeks ago on DVD. I hate to admit it, but I didn't get it. After it was over, I had to look online to figure out what it was about. (Thanks @Ruby_Slipper for the link. I hadn't read that one until now.) After reading up on it, I wasn't feeling quite so stupid for not being able to figure it out. In the end, I found it uncomfortable and confusing.

It's really not women-friendly.


Is it on Netflix?


Some food for thought, and why I decided to not spend my hard earned $$ on this movie: []


Another great video in this genre is "Terra". On Netflix.


I saw it the other day with someone curious about what my reaction would be. I just felt it was a heavy handed piece that couldn't quite decide what it wanted to say.

The thing about analogies is they only work if they illustrate something plainly. There were several ways to interpret this narrative...but none seemed to work under much analysis. I would not recommend this movie despite the good (if miscast) performances.

I got a huge amount from the video. A couple of friends also watched it and also got a lot from it. I guess it depends on where you stand. The fact that the moderator was a woman from another country and with an accent only added to it for me. It needed to be heavy handed as this issue is serious and there often needs a shock value to wake people up.



I'll buy it on Blu-ray and make it a movie event (my home theatre seats 21) Looks like a great movie.


Many don't seem to realize or even care that we are on a tiny little blue ball floating through space.
They act as though we have a spare planet to go to once this one cannot support us any longer.

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