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QUESTION Tim Minchin - The Good Book (Live) - YouTube

Not sure whether to list this under Music or Silly ...

Anyway, I love MInchin!

vertrauen 7 Oct 31

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I absolutely adore this man. Not only is he a wonderful, intelligent comedian... but he has so much talent most people don't know. I study his fingers when he plays the piano. His technique is almost flawless. He is also a good actor. If you would like a treat, he was in the remake of stage version of Jesus Christ Superstar. He played Judas and was unbelievable.


I saw this on Facebook today -- loved it enough to bookmark it.

I got this: "Tim Minchin -..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement.


Okay, that was funny...and spot on. I have him bookmarked and will watch some more of his stuff later. Thanks for the introduction to him 🙂.

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