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Learning coding as an adult

Do you know how to code? If you do, please explain why. If you don’t please also explain why not. Thank you!

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Loves_Puppies 4 Feb 18

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One of my passions! Currently coding with my friend @Admin πŸ™‚

Thank you for your work... πŸ™‚


I was an adult before I learned how to code, and have always loved it. It's a field where it's literally impossible to master every aspect, and it's how I've made a living for quite a while now.


I do. I started to learn at school, although only scripting. I carried on at work and University and am now a computer scientist, so it's very handy for me to know!

I think everybody should be taught a little rudimentary programming or scripting at school, it's a fundamental part of our world now and I don't think basic software use cuts it as "computer literate" anymore.


When you see a conversation about "coding", you KNOW its a beginner making the inquiry.

There is no such thing as Coding. You will never see a wanted advert asking for a "coder".

Example - you could describe yourself as a mechanic. Does that mean you can change the oil and plugs ? Does that mean you work on cars, or trucks, or diesel engines, or agricultural machines, or rockets, or planes, or marine engines, or mining equipment, or industrial plants, or motorcycles etc etc.

"Coding" is as non-informative as the term "mechanic" in that sense.

A web programmer may not even know TSQL or low level assembler code or even C++. There are at least 12 different styles/environments for Web programmers. The expertise of "coders" can range from qualified surgeon type levels to being able to look up a diagnosis on Google.

The IMPORTANT component of "programming" in general is - Can You Make a Living from it

Its a long road from curious beginner to viable professional.

@Loves_Puppies don't worry about nomenclature, you don't expect people to tell you all of the vehicles they're rated for if you ask them when they passed their driving test!

As a beginner just know that there are different programming languages appropriate to different tasks and go from there!

@Loves_Puppies One of the things to learn about the real world is don't take every revealing statement as a personal attack. People who know stuff can't spend all day investigating every nuance and possible "button" for people who are looking for answers.

@BanjoTango I don't get what any of that has to do with his question. Also, being able to write even rudimentary code (and yes, we call it code all the time) certainly has benefits aside from whether or not you make a living from it.

@MollyBell "rudimentary code" ? OK,

Pick one :-
HTML, Python, Visual Basic, Perl, Ruby on Rails, .Net Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Java, Logo,Javascript, Pascal, C++, Machine Language or Assembler. Transaction SQL, Shell scripts, Active Server Pages, Perl, Python,

Oh, and I won't bother to list the "platforms" associated with each of these languages. There isn't enough room to list them and their implications.

Any one of these languages could take years to master. You have to figure out WHAT the result you want is before you even think about starting to "code", even IF you don't want to make a living at it.

The right question is " "Should I take this Course about [1],[2],[3],[4], .......... and why."

That's an interesting opinion you have, but isn’t at all how I look at it, @BanjoTango.

You don’t decide on a language first. Knowing how to logically solve a problem is far more important than the language you choose. Someone who arbitrarily decides to start out in Trans SQL will have a marked disadvantage from someone choosing one of the object oriented languages, since TSQL is so specialized.

If Then Else, Do While, and For loops are 3 programming fundamentals that can be applied easily to perl, ruby, python,, java, javascript, pascal, c++, trans sql, and if you're into ancient history, cobol, fortran, and basic. I’m surprised you mentioned python and perl twice, but omitted c#. Understanding functions can be easily applied to most. OOP principles will apply to all OOP languages.

The main difference between all of the OOP languages is syntax. The .NET languages all run off the same framework, regardless of whether you’re using managed c++, c# or Indeed there are some lines of code that on their own are impossible to distinguish between languages. C#, java, javascript, and c++ come to mind here. To me, even C# and VB.NET are syntactically similar, with essentially identical capabilities. I personally prefer c# because its syntax is so close to the other c style languages, but the code is STILL very close.

If I’m hiring a developer, I’ll be FAR more interested in their knowledge of OOP principles than whether they live in C# or VB. You can easily include vb, c#, and c++ projects in the same solution, and debug it by stepping from lines of one type of code directly into the next.

I think it’s backwards to choose a language first. Learning any OOP language will go a very long way toward understand ALL the others.

And that's the primary goal, can you make

@MollyBell ; Choosing first language is actually very important. If possible you want to learn multiple at once. Even a "generalized" OO language like Java, or C++, will get you into trouble when you try to learn a different paradigm in the future. Even which portion of C++ you learn might make learning other parts very . Try teaching Modern C++ or template metaprogramming to someone who only knows the 'object-oriented C++', or 'C with Classes C++', etc, they might as well just unlearn everything they once knew. Even OO is implemented incorrectly (& abused) in pretty much every language. To my knowledge only Smalltalk did it well.

Anyways, there are more paradigms than OO; design-by-introspection, functional programming, data-driven, concurrency/parallel & metaprogramming are the big ones. Each language you listed only has some (if any) of these paradigms at their disposal. It's a sign of a novice programmer if they make the claim that the main difference between languages like C++, C# and Java is syntax. "If Then Else, Do While and For" don't even exist in the LISP or APL family of languages. This isn't a bad thing, there's just a lot more to programming that you can learn. πŸ™‚


I know how to write software because I learned how and I do it because I enjoy it and it's a good living. I'm not sure what you are expecting by way of an explanation here. Why else would I do it?

From your title, I take it you may be wondering if you can learn to be a software developer later in life. Of course you can. What would that have to do with it?

A little more specific question might be helpful here.


Mid-range IBM programmer. Business applications like Inventory, payroll, Accounts Payable, invoicing, General Ledger. I love doing it! It's like being paid to eat ice cream. Computers don't snicker when I mess up, complain if I stay away too long, or decide that they'll do it different today.


@Rufus_Maximus Yes, RPG, SQL, HTML, Java, javascript caan read php and similar.

@Dick_Martin RPG was the first thing I learned after leaving school. To be honest I don't miss it...

@Rufus_Maximus I like it for a few specific reasons. Mainly, that while the language has changed over the years and is as modern as anything out there today, that code you wrote way back when still runs. There is no time wasted going back and rewriting what was already written just because of a new release. The other thing I like is there is no such position as DBA. It's just not relevant.

Neat. I was an operator in an AS400 shop, with two of those loud mechanical printers with the metal bands. I put myself through school while working there. I did get an A with two semesters of RPG, but I was already hooked on c++, java, and vb by then. Not sure if it's still this way, but at the time RPG could only be programmed one operation at a time. In other words

a + b * c / d

would require 3 lines of code, which was way too tedious for me in complex problems (a loan amortization calculation looked so ugly). ?

I did love the hardware. I got notice one night that a disk in the array was bad, and that the technician would be there in the morning. At 8:00, there he was, hot swapped the disk, and we never missed a beat.


I'm not sure what you code when you're coding, but I wish I could even understand how HTML and CSS work together.


I was premed when punch cards were in use. Remember people talking about DOSS and COBOL. THe time it took for premed/medical studies precluded learning computer related stuff


I went to school and graduated with an associates in computer science. I prefer Java for coding.

Nyssi Level 3 Feb 19, 2018

I went to college in middle adulthood. I took to those early computers with great enthusiasm when I saw that they could replace my misspellings and "scrawl" that was my handwriting and convert it to something legible. As part of my education courses on the way to becoming a teacher, I took something called "Waterloo Basic", Visual Pascal, C++, and one whose name I can't remember. I got Computer Certified in the State of Michigan and taught programming and computer applications in Michigan along with unrelated classes in a small school system. Our school system used old Apple IIe's when I first got there. I got the software for some PC's called Visual Basic and used that to teach programming. As I observed, programming was more important in the early days of computers (Atari, TRS-80's, Apple IIe's, etc.) because there was still not a lot of ready-made software out there. However, about the time I retired in 2002 or so, programming had become less important to the average student inasmuch as there was so much commercial software available. After I retired, I sought to convert a text encryption program that I had written in QBASIC to Visual Basic 2010. Wow! what had been a really good teaching language (QBASIC), had become really complicated as Visual Basic 2010. It was no longer for "Beginners" it was still apparently "All purpose" but a poor "Instructional code", it was less friendly than C++ had been. I managed to get the code from QBASIC to Visual Basic 2010, but have concluded that teaching coding in High School may not be practical for all save for that intent on entering the field. The text encryption program was just for fun...the only people I can visualize wanting it would be terrorists πŸ™‚


First leaned to program in Basic way back in 1978. Hospital where I was working had a computer nobody knew how to use and, once they realised I wasn't going to hurt it, they gave me the key.

Went on to 6502 assembler and then Z80 assembler.

Then I discovered C.

Best language, for me, is C++. It's the reusable classes that make it so good.

Did try a bit of C# but I could never get my head around visual programming.

C# has nothing inherently to do with "visual programming". I mainly use it to write Windows services and tasks, console applications and the like. But then, I am a back-end guy, not a front-end guy.


Coding in different programs is like knowing different languages.


Your tagline and question don't match...

If by code, you mean develop computer code, I know how to code, but I don't code. Why? I found it interesting, learned on my own and in school and was the start of my professional career in Information Technology.

Learning to code is easy if you are mathematical and logical. Learning to code at the professional level after college... Not so easy.


Well 'code' is a bit of an insult to a programmer. It often implies that you are just hacking things together from multiple sources, and that you don't actually understand the fundamentals. Anyways, I learned as a child. Started with C++ then learned a lot of languages, too many to list, along the way, and just spent all my time reading books, articles, etc. Which really is the best way to learn.


I wanted a computer as a kid and could not afford one. School library let us use an Apple 2e in fifteen minute blocks after school. So I read the Apple Basic programming book waiting for my turn. Eventually turned it into a career once the tools started being shared for free.


I have an accounting degree, no computer. In my first job in 1982 I read the RPL manual because I needed to get some info out of the computer. My boss was impressed enough with my initiative and skills to send me to a two day class. RPL was a very early language that had not fully adopted English words to program in the language. I have been programming ever since. The languages have changed a few times, but I am still on old mainframe systems. It has been a good career.

Those were the bad old days when one occasionally had to go in and change broken frame pointers in hex. Which also meant you had to be able to calculate which frame was broken based on the key to the record.


I write a little code, rarely, just html or java to fill a hole.
I have to write scripts occasionally for servers but hate it.
I am more the code monkey, cut and paste what I need, it is clumsy, messy, bloated, but works.


I recognize that I am just a user. I would be as out of place as Jeff Bridges in Tron if I ended up in the computer. Started on Basic on an old Sinclair computer, briefly played with Fortran in college. If a career change is on the horizon, I would jump at it. But until then I will use my tablet to post this comment.


Have done a significant amount of coding as a graduate student. The coding language I used then is now considered past history (Fortran 77). I know and understand coding. Fortran was a precursor language so I get coding.

I'm currently learning Python 3 and have installed it on my computer.


I do it professionally.

godef Level 7 Feb 18, 2018

I don't like labels. Can't see where "coding" is any different.

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