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What Is Your Opinion On Elizabeth Warren As 2020 Presidential Nominee?

Although she has done great work in congress, I do not believe she is a strong enough candidate for a 2020 run for POTUS. If She did secure the Domocratic Nomination, i would find myself in the same situation as in 2016

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twshield 8 Jan 8

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I would support anybody running against Donald Trump in 2020, and that includes stuffed animals and cartoon characters. While I would love to see a superhero that we can all get behind running for president on the ticket opposing Trump, it's far, far more important that we all unify, regardless of how much or little we think of the person, and vote together to get the current monster out of the Oval office. Once we have averted the danger our country is now facing, we can shop, at our leisure, for that superhero.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 8, 2019
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