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Relationship between a believer and non believer

Have you been in a relationship with a believer? What issues came from that, if any?

Just_Me81 4 Feb 18

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Nope I couldn't do it.


I strengthened her Faith... so I did my job.


Yes. She was a Minister in a new age religion and a hospice chaplain with a degree in religion. It was never really an issue. I went to retreats and seminars with her and had fun. I helped her write practical sermons. Some arrogance by a few of her peers but mostly nice people. It was in no way why the relationship didn't work. We still hangout sometimes and get along well.

She does now describe herself as agnostic. I think she is more agnostic atheist. She gives me credit for this transformation. She often asks how I put up with it from her when we were together as she now has to deal with the faith of her friends. She does still do hospice chaplaincy. It requires working in the faith of the dying and their family, not your faith. Compassion and empathy seem to be the important aspects. She has those in spades.


I have and it was a disaster. I don't mind being in a relationship with a religious person as long as they keep it to themselves and don't push it on others. They also have to respect and accept that they won't be converting me back to Christianity.


Still working for my parental units, after some 53 years.
Currently working for me.


I could never be with a full on bible thumper.Beliefs are one thing, fanaticism another .


I couldn't be with a jesus freak or even just a mildly religious person, would not work for me. Just NO.


Haven't gotten far enough along in the dating game for it to be an issue. But at this point I think it would probably not be a good thing for me. I've just gotten to be too outspoken in my old age.


7 years with a Catholic woman who is a good woman and we can talk about it but then I guess I will be a non believer and patience is the only way.


After I went through a divorce, and took some time off, I dated some. The first couple were believers, and it was like oil and water. Then decided that I would only date women who were Unitarian Universalist, the church I had been attending. They were all agnostic or atheist. Did find a good atheist woman, and we are living happily ever after.


It's almost impossible unless the topic of religion is basically ignored


Likely a physical attraction. Both assume the other ‘will change.’ Ultimately, the difference becomes the seed of destruction … hopefully before children..

I’ve not allowed that to happen to me but have witnessed it with too many others. Actually, the lack of religion was a major reason my prior wife ended up with me. We had a pretty good run ~

Varn Level 8 Feb 18, 2018

You see, I am spiritual. I do not believe in organized religion. I have done my studies, listened to what I wanted to in order to form what I personally believe in. It is nobody's business. Though I do not go to church, my actions are based on common sense, courtesy, respect, and truthfulness. Hence, the reason I have 3 friends. If two people share the same moral beliefs there is a chance. As long as it is never tried to be placed into a religious perspective. For example, I dated a religious person and her child of 16 was a demon! I didn't agree with her parenting platform which there wasn't one. She gets her advice from the internet. Should I explain more?


Once I became a non-believer, I stopped dating religious people. I went on one date a couple years ago with a Christian, and that was the biggest factor in ruling out a possible relationship with him.


I’ve been married to the same woman for 42 years. I used to go to church with her from time to time and I allowed her to bring our children up in the church. When our kids were grown up and gone I told her I was an atheist and didn’t want to go to church anymore and she doesn’t press me on it. We’ve agreed not to discuss religion. My children don’t want me talking to my grandchildren about my lack of beliefs and my 7 year old grandson is concerned I’m going to hell. He hasn’t mentioned that in awhile. Maybe someday he’ll see the light.


It doesn't work, I tried, such a fundamental difference as your core belief system.

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