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He doesn't even want the wall

He's doesn't even want a wall. He wants to be at war with dirty dangerous immigrants ruining our country. It's the most effective thing he has found to keep his base riled up. That's why he rejected the wall funding last year and rejects attempts at real immigration reform. He needs war and racism to stay popular and it works. I have never been so thoroughly disgusted with such a large portion of people around me than I am when I here his supporters talking about him.

So what else is going on with him anyway? I've been working alot and haven't had time to dig deeper than my daily podcast and bits of news at work. If I didnt know any better I would think that was all that was going on right now. Who knows what regulations are rolling back or whatever else while he holds the well being of so many hostage in order to vilify refugees. This is why he does this shit because it works so damn good!

MsAl 8 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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He stands for nothing, he’s hollow. Narcissism drives him. He’s used a well-oiled and nearly out of control ideology to con the ignorant of this nation. He had help, but enough of them were willing and ..nearly able to elect him.

The immigration debate had been an underground concern of many if not most ‘Americans,’ vying with other shifting concerns of course. Repeating a harsh line on both legal and illegal immigration kept him ahead of the Republican pack and wooed numerous Independants. I say it gave him the win, though there’s obviously no way to pry the true feelings from those having voted for him over that issue..

As with everything, he’s mucked it up. Those, like myself, sincerely wanting greater, if consistent border enforcement and lessened immigration numbers ..will have lost, too. The only ‘reason’ I can see for ‘a wall’ or serious border fence is that it would be more difficult to ignore than increased enforcement, surveillance, deportations, employer sanctions… when the next Democratic administration or Congress appears.

Actually, as long as Republicans can continue to pack the courts, while salivating over the Ginsburg seat.. they’ll continue to chip away at the ACA ..pollute, deregulate, export jobs ..and enjoy their ill-gotten gains, they’ll remain both fat - and happy!

Varn Level 8 Jan 9, 2019



You are right. He could really care less about the wall. He is just trying to keep his base happy. They are all he has. This is basically campaigning for 2020 as I see it.

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