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There is now a movement in the UK to allow schools to choose pupils only from their own faith . At the moment it is capped at 50%. Thoughts on Faith schools anyone please .

MarcIveson 6 Feb 19

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england moves down the same dead ends as the states and to some degree canada. Keep dogma away from our tax base PERIOD


As churches are losing members, they look for new ways to increase their indoctrinations.


I don't see why they would be illegal. I also don't see why anyone would hire someone who attended such a school, unless they can demonstrate an ability to separate religion from reality.


My thoughts are that it's awful. BUT, in America it's not allowed, and look at the mess their in religiously. Difficult one.

Umm... Catholic and other religious schools are completely legal in the US. They have the right to admit who ever they want or not as they are private. Its no different than harvard denying admission to someone who does not meet their criteria. As long as the school meets minimum education requirements and is private they can admit anyone they want, or not. There is one down the road from me.

Quite frankly , I see nothing difficult about it .Can you imagine an easier way to segregate children into believing that their imaginary friend is better than their playmates/neighbours/whatever,s,imaginary friend .Its strife waiting to happen .
Even recently in N.I. , if you were the wrong type of Christian grief ensued.

so what the hell are chartered schools then ?


It's fucking bullshit. when in Rome do what the Romans do. that idea can only end in tears for a lot of people.


Wow! That's a really bad idea.

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