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I find many channels on youtube to be intellectual and philosophical by academics and just regular people...
What ones do you find enlightening?

One of my favorites is 'agatan foundation' as he gathers up 'best of' from speeches and debates of dawkins, tyson, shermer, krauss, hitchens, and so many more.

Cosmic skeptic is a smart kid
Armoured skeptic's early stuff is good before he went all in on SJW debates
Potholer54 is an amazing debunker.
And the ancientaliensdebunked is the most beautiful debunk video I ever watched..

So what are your favorites?

RobFlorida 4 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Of the atheist YouTubers to which I have subscribed, I find myself returning more often to the more serious (dare I say, less snarky) channels in order to review useful information. As entertaining as the snide and cutting dialog of DarkMatter2525, NonStampCollector, Armoured Skeptic and misterdeity might be, I find myself gravitating toward the less snarky (more serious) atheist YouTubers like potholer54, QualiaSoup and ThereminTrees. There are of course, many more, and I have to admit that my path toward non-belief was similar to that described by Evid3nc3. Two of the most influential YouTube videos that I encountered during my journey out of faith were 'We Got Scared' on the dogmaticCURE channel, and Phil Hellenes' 'Science Saved My Soul.' Enjoy!


Godless Engineer is a funny down to earth atheist Utuber.


I find the videos of SRS really interesting and exciting as they educate me on what and How my surgery is going to proceed!

Actually it's Gender Reassignment Surgery..but Youtube is behind on that curve..


Ted Talks I find to be better vetted and less opinionated.


SciShow is usually great, as well as the spin-offs, and Seeker (formerly Dnews, not kinky). Potholer54, of course, Shinobi Yaka and King CrocoDuck don't post that much nowadays but don't really get the love they deserve. I am trying to stay away from people that just discuss religion; at some point it's just enough.

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