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Do you really think the second amendment protects a Civil Right?

I not the decision to live in community a step in the direction of seeking and well-being of all despite our differences? Why we have to justify our capacity to repel with violence an imaginaryattack of the forms of government, which is not sustained except by our consensus and recognition. Is not the most effective passive defense?

Mario 2 Feb 20

Enjoy being online again!

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No the nazi's took passive restraint and took it into a horrendous periodof history. Religion often speaks of passive restraint and the same horrors have raised their heads in religion. Does this mean there isn't room for some common sense no. There is no need for assualt rifes,large magazines, people under 21 to purchase a weapon. Backgroung checks are good but only at time of purchase there should be followups to qualify say every three years. Anyone convicted of domestic abuse should have weapon removed and license revoked. Gangs need to be disbanded,a crackdown on weapons buying on the street. Mental checks and balances need to be put in place. Drugs need to be made legal to remove money basis from gangs and cartels these addits could be cared for at less expense than using police work to curtail drugs. Religious right opposition needs to be undone. So there are many aspects of society that need to come into play This probably will not hapen!


There is no civil right to own guns. No more than there's a civil right to own cars.

You're free to own both within limits, and either may be taken from you if you misuse them.

We just need to put as much effort into regulating guns as we do cars (including enforcement). And that's not asking much; some asshole still drives past my house without a muffler on a regular basis.

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