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Comment notifications

Is there a way to turn off notifications from members responding to each other under one of my comments?

The responses aren't to my comment or response. They are responding to each other and having a conversation yet I get notifications.


Bierbasstard 8 Jan 19

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this is an irk of mine occasionally too. good question!


Yep. If we can "Follow this comment", you'd think we could "turn off notifications for this comment" also. I dunno if that would be a coding nightmare or not, but it's a nice thought.

You might try an inquiry into the Community Senate Group. If you are nto a high enogh level to join, you can ask or flag Admin.

To flag any member put the user name right after the "@" symbolwhere the @ and the user name are like one word with no spaces.


I think it's a drag because we assume the notification is for us but there's also the chance somebody is saying something interesting.

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