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Oh The Intergalactic Laxative Will Get You From Here To There..."Scientists"

phxbillcee 10 Feb 20

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Seem men have it a lot easier in space.

There is an "old" Sci-Fi novel by Niven & Pournelle, "Lucifer's Hammer". In it, they have a joint USA-USSR mission to Spacelab. One of the Russian astronauts is a woman & this very subject is a running storyline!

@phxbillcee i will have to find it and read it, I was always a Larry Niven fan.

@HeathenFarmer If you like Niven you'll like any of his collaborations with Pournelle, there are a number of them, all good! "Lucifer's Hammer" has to be one of the best "end-of-the-world" epics ever done! Incredibly realistic & believable!

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