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QUESTION Florida to post “In God We Trust” in all public schools

The Florida legislature has finally taken this step in an effort to respond to the school shootings. What is your opinion? Is this legal or not,?

Mark9393 6 Feb 22

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Going down swinging for sure but going down nonetheless


Well, good luck with that, Gods done sod all now,


It sounds like a case for FFRF. Ronald Reagan Jr. will be right on it!


Not legal and should be protested by every progressive thinker according to the Constitution and the separation of church and state. Besides I do not think a few words will stop anything.


As a Floridian and a sensible human being my response is . WTF aren't we dragging these "lawmakers" through the streets en masse making sure to hit every bump and sharp stone along the way?


I fail to see how imposing some stupid platitude is going to do anything to stop mass shootings.
Not to mention, it's totally UN-Constitutional. It violates the non-establishment clause.

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