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Let's hope that every blessed AR-15 does not explode in the face of its owner and the cleric but also doesn't result in collateral damage to the congregation and building!


Wow =
“This will be a big thing for us. It’s a new stage for us because it incorporates the rod of iron, as it is in Revelations. Revelations talks about the returning Christ ruling with the rod of iron,” said Tim Elder.

Sanctuary Church and Rod of Iron Ministries is an offshoot of the Unification Church, founded by the late Sun Myung Moon. It is led by his son, the Rev. Sean Moon."

And damn - the reservations for Saturday's event are sold out:

😮 ye gods

he he he


Surprised nobody has come out with the AR-15 Jesus Action Figure!



I wonder if blessing these guns will prevent them from harming or killing innocent people. Be a neat trick if they did. heh heh


The face of rat baggery religion.

Huh? In King's English?

Nope. This is not the Queens English either. It's the common man's English 🙂


I agree, I have told my brother the pastor who voted for the Trumpet, to imagine jesus walking along with such a weapon, and also what would jesus do if he say someone with an AR 15
It is truly overly frustrating, yes it is, These kids are marvelous speakers and well developed as future leaders. I do NOT see our nation caving in to this crap

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

Lol, here I thought I'd invented "trumpet"!!
(Note small " t" tho'😉
I'll explain my thoughts in case someone's interested...
First, small t indicate small mindedness,
Next, a trumpet is a brass instrument, maker of loud noises, off key and unpleasant , if the user is untalented.
The "et/(ette)" ending might really specify female, but I think of it more as indicating infantile.
You all might think of more, but my last thought is... The trumpet doesn't play itself, someone else stands behind it, pushing, the buttons, "calling the shots".

@njoy_life_2 Everyone who voted for Trumpet got their own mouth piece so they can learn to blow the Trumpet

@EMC2 great great addition, EMC2

@njoy_life_2 Now that is a winner.. Thanks love it

@njoy_life_2 I came up with that during the campaign when I was watching in awe how people could not wait to hear this fool. And all he wanted was to be loved and what better way than to give all the chance to blow his handy horn


Is this satire? This has to be satire, right?

Unfortunately, it is not. However - it IS the Moonies. So there's that. Not satire, but way out there.


Sometimes I get so frustrated when I look at what our country is becoming...

Oh, can I ever relate to that!

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